I’m Talking Fast!

I’m Talking Fast! (a thesaurus poem)   I’m talking fast! I’m talking not slow! I’m talking from walking to running! I’m talking jogging, hopping, jumping! I’m talking moving, flipping, never standing still! I’m talking high speed, swift, rapid, quick, nimble! I’m talking FAST!

I’m from Me

I’m from a big place that is close to school. I’m from a good smell of chocolate chip cookies that my mom makes. I’m from hunting with my dad. I’m from a good smell of mac and cheese that my sister makes. I’m from roasting marshmallows while camping with my dad.

My Splot House

My dream house is going to be white with a big tv and with a big pool.  It will have cool cars and a big playground.  I’ll have a floating bed!  I’ll have a floating bedroom.  I’ll have lots of gum, and I’ll have a zoo in my house.  I’ll have an infinite amount of … Continue reading My Splot House